Saturday, June 13, 2015

1st News Article Discussion Task

For my new article, I chose an article from i-indiaonline for presentation about homeless children walk around sidewalk and conjunction in the city of India. It shows that why they become homeless children. They don’t have opportunities in the society such as they miss out on education and medical treatment, so they are at high risk of suffering addiction, abuse and illness. Besides, the article also have some solution of this problem, but they doesn’t guarantee for decreasing number of homeless children.  

If you want to read more about it and some problem of street children, you can follow this link to the article:

Monday, June 1, 2015

Are you a person who has Confirmation Bias?

Last few weeks, I studied 12 articles about cognitive bias in the Media class. That’s so interesting, if you’d like to know and read them yourself, click this link:

My partners and I got three biases in particular. There are confirmation bias, in group bias, and gambler’s Fallacy. We found confirmation bias and in group bias are too similar, but I’m interested in confirmation bias because I think most people have it in themselves and they always be happy and love this. 

Confirmation bias is about people who be mostly confident in their opinion. Especially when they see any media that give the same opinion as them, they would have more confidence because having the same perspectives. They often easily refuse other’s opinion that against them. As result, they just seek other’s opinion to confirm.  

I always meet colleagues who has this bias, and feel exhausted when I work with them because they stand only their side, don’t care or reject other’s idea. It makes work in group or brain storm opinion form others is useless. They have high confident until no one want to work or share idea with them any more.   

In conclusion, I think every biases have advantage and disadvantage. They can help us to avoid an injury because we have some bias to think before doing. As  confirmation bias also has two side. If you choose positive side you would have more confidence, that makes you to be credible person and good leader on your work. 

Saturday, May 9, 2015